Alívio para suas dores e cuidado com sua coluna, conte com a experiência internacional do Dr. Nelson Santos.
Alívio para suas dores e cuidado com sua coluna, conte com a experiência internacional do Dr. Nelson Santos.
O tratamento com ART é educativo contra sinais e sintomas de disfunção muscular e nervosa – por vezes referida como doenças dos tecidos moles (musculares , tendões, e ligamentos) – incluindo rigidez, dor, formigueiro, inflamação, amplitude de movimento restrita, dor muscular e sintomas relacionados.
Dor nas Costas, Torcicolo, Síndrome do Túnel do Carpo, Dor nas Articulações, Entorses entorpecentes, Mandíbula Travada, Estresse Repetitivo e Lesões por Uso Excessivo, Estirpes, Dor nos Pés, Enxaquecas Dor no Ombro, Ciática.
Desenvolvida em 1895 nos Estados Unidos por D.D. Palmer, a Quiropraxia é uma profissão na área da saúde que trata Subluxações Vertebrais, que são desalinhamentos nos ossos da coluna. Através de ajustes vertebrais, o quiropraxista restaura o alinhamento e a função mecânica da articulação, normalizando consequentemente qualquer distúrbio muscular e neurológico decorrentes desta disfunção. É muito comum que estes desalinhamentos provoquem alteração na transmissão de impulsos nervosos, interferindo na comunicação entre o cérebro e os órgãos do corpo. Curiosamente a Quiropraxia não surgiu e nem ganhou notoriedade por tratar dores de coluna e sim por restaurar a saúde de pacientes acometidos dos mais diversos problemas. É um excelente tratamento tanto para correção de distúrbios na coluna vertebral como também para prevenir e aumentar o potencial de saúde em pessoas assintomáticas.
Para todas as idades
A Quiropraxia se utiliza de técnicas especializadas que permitem avaliar e corrigir alterações na coluna de pessoas de todas as idades, desde o recém-nascido ao idoso. É um tratamento de saúde, não restrito apenas a quem sente dores.
Active Release Techniques® é líder global em tratamento não invasivo de tecidos moles e nervos, incluindo tratamento de distensões, entorses e outros distúrbios musculoesqueléticos. O tratamento ART prático e baseado em movimentos é projetado especificamente para reduzir rapidamente a dor e restaurar a função. Quer você tenha uma distensão leve ou uma lesão complexa, o ART a maioria das vezes, dependendo de cada casos, leva você de volta ao trabalho, esporte, e à diversão de maneira mais rápida e eficaz do que os métodos de terapia convencionais.
Os ART Certified Providers™ utilizam um processo de diagnóstico prático, palpando as áreas afetadas para identificar o tecido danificado e inflamado. (Não se preocupe, “palpar” significa apenas que o Provedor Certificado usa o toque para sentir e diagnosticar a causa raiz da lesão ou distúrbio.)
Liberar músculos
O tratamento ART funciona liberando músculos, ligamentos, tendões e fáscias que não funcionam mais adequadamente devido ao uso excessivo ou lesão.
Aliviar a dor
Uma vez localizado o problema, o tratamento prossegue com movimentos específicos do paciente e toque do profissional para liberar aderências e aliviar a dor.
O que esperar
As sessões de tratamento duram cerca de 15 minutos e muitos pacientes experimentam uma redução dramática da dor e aumento da amplitude de movimento após o primeiro tratamento. A maioria dos problemas as vezes é resolvida em cinco ou menos tratamentos, variando de casos e pacientes.
Dr. Santos, DC, é Quiroprático formado em dezembro de 1985, e licenciado como Quiroprático na Califórnia, EUA desde 1987. Em 1987 o Dr. Santos iniciou seus estudos em Quiropraxia Ortopedia, um curso diplomático de 3 anos. Santos foi uma das duas primeiras Técnicas de Liberação Ativa (ART), Nível 2, e um dos primeiros Provedores de Técnicas de Liberação Ativa (ART) totalmente certificados no Condado de Los Angeles, sendo certificado em Extremidade Superior, Coluna, Extremidade Inferior e Trato Longo. Aprisionamentos Nervosos, e também possui estudos especiais em análise e correção biomecânica de ART. Dr. Santos estuda ATR desde março de 2000.
Dr. Nelson Santos tem uma longa história de ajudar atletas de classe mundial de vários esportes, entusiastas dedicados do esporte e indivíduos interessados em maximizar sua saúde.
Formado pelo(a): Passadena College of Chiropractic em 1985-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
– Doctor of Chiropractic, Pasadena College of Chiropractic: 1985
– Chiropractic Internship, Pasadena College of Chiropractic: 1985
– Chiropractic Internship, Lucas Health Group, Inc., Los Angeles, CA: 1985-1986
– Post-Graduate Studies, Chiropractic Orthopedics, Los Angeles College of Chiropractic: 1989
– Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, State of California: 1986
– National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
– X-Ray Operator & Supervisor, State of California
– Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME)
– Disability Evaluator
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Upper Extremity: 2000
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Spine: 2000
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Lower Extremity: 2001
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Biomechanics Analysis: 2001
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Elite Providers Network: 2002
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Long Tract Nerve Releases: 2006
– Active Isolated Stretching (AIS): 2006
– Sound Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (SASTM): 2006
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Full Body: 2007
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Masters Course: 2008
– Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab, Provocation and Motion (FAKTR-PM): 2009
– Active Release Techniques (ART), Golf Biomechanics: 2009
– Active Release Techniques (ART) Re-Certification: 2010
– OTZ Health Education Systems, Frozen Shoulder Syndrome Diagnosis & Treatment: 2010
-2010 ACASC Sports Symposium, Portland, OR, U.S.A.
– Gavilan PTB, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue System: 2010
-Active Release Techniques(ART), Long Tract Nerve Entrapment with Gross Anatomy: 2011
-Active Release Techniques(ART), Active Palpation: 2011
-Selective Functional Movement Assessment(SFMA): 2011
-Active Release Techniques(ART), Lower Extremity, 2013 Dallas, TX
-2011 ACASC Sports Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico, U.S.A.
-2012 ACASC Sports Symposium, Scottsdale, AZ, U.S.A.
-Acttive Release Techniques(ART), Long Tract Nerve Entrapment, 2012
-Active Release Techniques(ART), Lower Extremity, 2013
-2013 ACASC Sports Symposium, East Rutherford, NJ, U.S.A.
-Acttive Release Techniques(ART),, Complex Protocols, 2014
-2014 ACASC Sports Symposium, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
-2015 Active Release Techniques, Active Palpation, Oceanside, CA
-2016 Active Release Techniques Online Webiner Re-Certification
– American Chiropractic Association
– American Chiropractic Association Council on Sports Injuries & Physical Fitness
– National Strength & Conditioning Association
– Society of Weight- Training Injury Specialist (SWIS)
-World Federation Chiropractic (WFC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil April 2011:
Active Release Techniques (ART), Spine Course
OTZ Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, Basic Introduction Seminar: Translator
– English, Portuguese, Spanish
-Private Practice, in Advance Athletic, October 15th, 2012 Inside Golds Gym Venice,
Venice, CA, U.S.A.
-Private Practice, at Dr. Nelson Santos, DC, Feburary 1st, 2011, West Los Angeles, CA,
-Independent Contractor: Agoura Hills Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, Agoura Hills, CA, November
2010 – present
– Independent Contractor: Personal Best Warehouse Med-Spa, San Pedro, CA, March 2010 – present
– Owner: Dr. Nelson Santos, DC, Los Angeles, CA, September 2009-present
– Independent Contractor: WestFit Chiropractic, Los Angeles, California, August 2006 – Augoust
– Independent Contractor at Centro de Quiropraxia (chiropractic clinic), Rio de Janeiro, R.J., Brazil :
October, 2005 July, 2006
– Independent Contractor at Clinica de Quiropraxia (chiropractic clinic), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: June,
2004 October, 2005
– Back Safety & Prevention Instructor for Quicksilver Inc., Huntington Beach, CA, U.S.A.: 2001 – 2002
– Active Release Techniques provider/ Chiropractor at U.S. Health Works Clinic, Santa Ana, CA, U.S.A.:
August, 2001 December, 2001
– Independent Contractor at West-fit Health Center, Westwood, CA, U.S.A.: December, 2000 June, 2004
– Associate at Centro de Quiropraxia, Rio de Janeiro, R.J., Brazil: April, 2000 September, 2000
– Clinical Director at Apollo Laser Medical Center, West Hollywood, CA, U.S.A.: November, 1998-
March, 2000
– Independent Contractor at Centro de Quiropraxia ( Chiropractic Clinic), Rio de Janeiro, R.J., Brazil
– Clinical Director at Med-Star Physical Therapy, Tarzana Clinic, Tarzana, CA, U.S.A.: May, 1995
October, 1998
– Director of Physical Therapy Dept. at J. Thomas Williams, Jr., M.D., Culver City, CA, U.S.A.: April,
1995 October, 1998
– Associate at Lucas Health Group, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.: January, 1987 March, 1995
-2019, July, AVP Hermosa Beach Open, Hermosa Beach, CA
-2019, June, Beach Volleyball National Events: High School College Recruting
Showcase, Santa Monica, CA.
-2019, May, AVP Huntington Beach Open, Huntington Beach, CA
-2019, Feburary, Beach Volleyball National Events: High School College Recruting
Showcase, Santa Monica, CA.
-2018 December, USATF National Club Cross Country Championships, Spokane,
-2018, November, Beach Volleyball National Events: High School College Recruting
Showcase, Santa Monica, CA
-2018 AVP Manhattan Beach Open, Manhattan Beach, CA.
-2018 July, medical staff at USATF Masters Outdoors Track & Field National
Championships, Spokane, Washington.
-2018 July, medical support team provider for USA Beach Volleyball, FIVB 3 Star
Haiyang, China.
-2018, June, Beach Volleyball National Events: High School College Recruting
Showcase, Santa Monica, CA.
-2018, May, USA Beach Volleyball, FIVB 4 Star Itapema, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
-2018 February, team medical support provider for USA Beach Volleyball at FIVB 3 Star
Kish Island, Iran.
-2017 AVP Manhattan Beach Open, Manhattan Beach, CA.
-2017 World Police & Fire Games, Los Angeles, CA. Medical Staff Coordinator.
-2017 USATF Outdoor Championships, Chiropractic Team Leader, Cal State University,
Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.
-2017 May, team medical support provider for USA Beach Volleyball at FIVB Beach
Volleyball World Tour, Moscow, Russia.
-2017 May, medical staff at IAAF Diamond League Prefontaine Classic, Hayward Field,
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
-2017 AVP Huntington Beach Open, Huntington Beach, CA.
-2017 Mt. SAC Relays, Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA.
-2017 NCTA National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships, UC San Diego, CA.
-2017 USATF Indoor Championships, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque,
New Mexico.
-2016 Perry’s Ocean Park Men’s Open Beach Volleyball, Santa Monica, CA.
-2016 Asics FIVB World Series Of Beach Volleyball, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2016 USA Outdoor Track & Field Olympic Trials, Hayward Field,
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, U.S.A.
-2016 Perry’s Ocean Park Women’s Open Beach Volleyball, Santa Monica, CA.
-2016 May medical support provider for USA Beach Volleyball at FIVB Beach
Volleyball World Tour, Moscow Grand Slam USABVB medical staff, Moscow, Russia.
-2016 Mt. SAC Relays, Cerritos College, Cerritos, CA.
-2016 NORCECA Beach Volleyball, La Paz, Mexico with USABVB.
-2016 IAAF World Indoors Track & Field Championships, Oregon Convention
Center(OCC), Portland, Oregon.
-2016 USATF Indoor National Track & Field Championships, Oregon Convention Center
(OCC), Portland, Oregon
-2016 USABVB Medical Summit, USABVB Headquarters, Torrance, CA
-2015 Perry’s Lades Beach Volleyball Open, Santa Monica, CA
-2015 AVP Medical staff, Huntington Beach, CA.
-2015 NORCECA Cuba, USABVB medical staff, Varadero, Cuba.
-2015 Medical staff at 2015 Asics FIVB World Series Beach Tour, Long Beach, CA,
-2015 AVP, Medical staff, Manhattan Beach, CA.
-2015 NORCECA USA Beach Volleyball Playoffs, Medical staff, Hermosa, CA.
-@015 Perry’s Café Men’s Beach Volleyball Open, Santa Monica Beach, CA.
-2015 Outdoor USATF Championships, Medical Staff, UofO, Eugene, OR.
-2015 Mt. SAC Relays, medical staff, April 16-18, 2015, Mt. San Antonio College,
Walnut, CA.
-2015 USA Beach Volleyball Sports Summit, Olympic Training Center, Chula Vista, CA
-2014 NORCECA Beach Volleyball Tournament, Tobago, medical provider with men’s &
women’s USA Beach Volleyball, Trinadad & Tobago.
-2014 IAAF World Junior Championships In Track & Field, Hayward Field, University
Of Oregon, Eugene, OR, U.S.A.
-2014 Asics FIVB World Series Of Beach Volleyball, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-2014 USA Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Cal State Sacramento, CA, U.S.A.
-May, 2014 U.S.A. Beach Volleyball High Performance Tryouts, Hermosa, CA, U.S.A.
-2014 USA Beach Volleyball Sports Summit, Olympic Training Center, Chula Vista, CA
-2013 HP(High Performance) Camp for USA Beach Volleyball at Olympic Training
Center, Chula Vista, CA
-Medical staff at 2013 WOD Gear Games, Cal Poly Tech, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2013 AVP Mamhattan Beach Open, Manhattan Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2013 FIVB World Beach Tour, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2013 USA Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Des Moines, Iowa,
-Medical staff at 2013 USA Indoor Track & Field Championships, Albuquerque, NM,
-ART Treatment Team at 2012 Half Ironman World Championships, LV, Nevada, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2012 USA Beach Volleyball, Huntington Beach, Hermosa Beach, and
Manhattan Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2012 USA Outdoor Track & Field Olympic Trials, Hayward Field,
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2012 USA Indoor Track & Field Championships, Albuquerque, NM,
-Medical staff at 2011 USAVB, Manhattan Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-Active Release Techniques(ART) staff at 2011 Revolution3 Triathlon Series, Portland, OR, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2011 USA Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Hayward Field, University of Oregon,
OR, U.S.A.
-Medical staff back-stage for California Dance Theatre, at the 2010 Pacific Festival Ballets: Nutcracker
Performance, Scherr Forum-Thousand Oaks Civic Arts, Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.A.
-Chiropractor for Paulo Thiago at Paulo Thiago vs Diego Sanchez in 2010 UFC 121, Honda Center,
Anaheim, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2010 Manhattan Beach Open, Manhattan Beach, CA
-ART Treatment Team at 2010 Louiville Kentucky Ironman, Louiville, Kentucky, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at 2010 CrossFit Games Fitness On Earth Finals, July 16th-18th, 2010, Home Depot Center,
Carson, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical Staff at 2010 USA Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Drake Stadium, Des Moines, Iowa,
-Medical staff at 2010 AVP Huntington Beach Open, Huntington Beach, CA, & Hermosa Beach Open,
Hermosa Beach, CA,, U.S.A.
-Medical staff at Grapplers Quest 2009 West Coast Championships, The Pyramid, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical staff for Hurly Pro Surf 2009, Trestles, CA, U.S.A.
-Member of sports medicine staff for 2009 AVP Crocs Slam Bud Light Manhattan Beach Open, Manhattan
Beach, CA, & 2009 Crocs Slam Bud Light Hermosa Beach Open, Hermosa Beach, CA, U.S.A.
-Medical Staff for 2009 USA Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Hayward Field, Univercity of
Oregon, OR, U.S.A.
-Member of medical staff at the 2009 Adidas Classic Track & Field event, Home Depot Center, Carson,
CA, U.S.A.
-Medical Staff for USA Judo Senior National Championships, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
-Member of medical staff at 2008 AVP Crocs Slam Bud Light Long Beach Open, Marina Green Park, Long
Beach, CA, & 2008 AVP Crocs Cup Shootout by Bud Light Manhattan Beach Open, Manhattan Beach
Pier, Manhattan Beach, CA, U.S.A.
– Chiropractor and Active Release Techniques provider for Global Athletics Management at the Adidas
Track Classic 2008, at the Home Depot Center, Carson, CA, U.S.A.
– Official Chiropractor on Sports Medical Staff for the 2008 USAT&F Outdoor Olympic Trials, Eugene,
OR, U.S.A.
– Chiropractor and Active Release Techniques provider at the 2008 50
Tissue Center, Walnut, CA, U.S.A.
MT SAC Relays thru the Deep
– Official Chiropractor for he Wiggles 2008 Tour, cast and crew, backstage at the Nokia Live Theater, Los
Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
– Official 2007 L.A. Marathon Active Release Techniques provider, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los
Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
– Active Release Techniques provider for the Girl Catfox dancer at the Dancing in The Margins Festival
2006, at the Deaf West Theater, North Hollywood, CA, U.S.A.
-Chiropractor for Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza at Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza vs Randy “The Natural” Couture in
Professional Submission League’s (PSL) “X-Mission”, Culver City Veterans Memorial Auditorium, Culver
City, CA
– Active Release Techniques provider & Chiropractor for Performing Arts Physical Therapy, Inc. & The
Pilates Studio of Los Angeles, for the cast & crew of urtains Ahmanson Theater, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
– Soft Tissue Provider for the 2006 X- Summer Games, Home Depot Center, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
– Official Active Release Techniques provider for the 2006, 2003, 2002 Ironman Brazil Triathlon,
Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
– Official Chiropractor for platform diver Cassius Duran from the C.B.D.A. (Brazilian Aquatic
Federation), Diving Team: October, 2005 June, 2006
-Medical staff at the 2005 Swatch-FIVB Beach Volley World Tour, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
– Official Chiropractor for U.S.A. Judo Team (men) at 2005 Copa Pan merican de Judo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
Brazil: July, 24, 2005
– Official Chiropractor/ Active Release Techniques provider for Global Athletics Management, Reebok &
Adidas Track & Field Team at the 2004 U.S.A. Outdoor Track & Field Olympic Trials, Sacramento, CA,
– Official Chiropractor for the 2004 2nd Annual, & 2003 Inaugural Home Depot Track & Field Invitational
Meet, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
– Active Release Techniques provider for The Performing Arts Physical Therapy, Inc. & the Pilates Studio
of Los Angeles, for the cast & crew of he Producers play, Pantages Theater, Hollywood, CA: 2003
– Official Chiropractor for the 2004 2nd Annual, and 2003 Inaugural Rafer Johnson / Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Invitational Track & Field Meet, Drake Stadium, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
– Medical Staff for the 2001 41st
& 2002 42
nd Los Angeles Invitational Indoor Track & Field Meet, Los
Angeles Sports Arena, Los Angles, CA, U.S.A.
– Official Active Release Techniques Provider & Chiropractor for both Global Athletics Management &
USAT&F medical staff at the 2002 & 2003 U.S.A. Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Palo Alto, CA.
under the supervision of Michael Fredericson, M.D. head of sports medicine staff for USAT&F.
– Official Active Release Techniques provider & Chiropractor for the 2003 Men & Women APF Senior
Nationals Power-lifting Championships, North Hollywood, CA, U.S.A.
– Chiropractor for the 2002 Nautica Malibu Triathlon, Malibu, CA, U.S.A.
– Official Chiropractor for the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu / Mixed Martial Arts Team, Los Angeles, CA,
U.S.A. & Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 1997 2004
– Active Release Techniques provider for the 2002 Los Angeles Triathlon
– Official Active Release Techniques & Chiropractor for the LA Lifting Club (Power- Lifting Team) at the
2002 Ironman Power-lifting State Championships, Fresno, CA, U.S.A.
– Member of the sports medical staff at the 2004 46
Track & Field Meet, Walnut, CA, U.S.A.
, 2003 45
, 2002 44
MT. SAC Relays Invitational
– Official Chiropractor for the 2002 2nd Annual Final Four at Furnace Creek, Furnace Creek Golf Club,
Death Valley, CA, U.S.A.
– Active Release Techniques provider for the 2002 Ironman Triathlon World Championships, Kona,
Hawaii, U.S.A.
– Member of the medical staff for the 2002 VII South American Games, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– Official Active Release Techniques provider for the 2002 Saturn Cycling Team (men & women),
California, U.S.A.
– Official Active Release Techniques provider & Chiropractor for the LA Lifting Club (Power-Lifting
Team), Burbank, CA, U.S.A.
– Active Release Techniques provider for the 2001 California Ironman Triathlon, Camp Pendleton, CA,
– Official Active Release Techniques provider for athletes trained under Coach Art Venegas at the 2001
U.S.A. Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
– 2001 43
rd MT. SAC Relays Invitational Track & Field Meet with Elite Track & Field athletes trained
under Coach Art Venegas, Walnut, CA, U.S.A.
– Official Active Release Techniques provider for Elite athletes trained under Coach Art Venegas,
Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.: December, 2000 June, 2004
Rua Almirante Alvim, Ed. Comercial, 607 – 2º andar, bairro: Centro – Florianópolis, SC
CEP: 88015-380